What is a tribe?
Tribes are about life…life lived in the power and presence of love, hope, care and community. Here at Liberty we strive to make sure you are not just a part of a church service, but rather a part of a loving community. How many times have you attended a church service and never had the opportunity to make contact with others? How many times have you left a church service and felt alone? We don’t want that for you at Liberty Church. We want you feel at home!
Thats why we offer tribes.
Our Tribes are meant to offer you an environment of loving people who genuinely care about your walk with God . Meeting in homes around our living area, we gather to openly discuss Bible applicability in our lives. We tackle the tough issues, lean on each other in hard times, rejoice with each other in the good times and learn about the love of God in our lives at all times!
What are you waiting on….come join us as we discover Life together!
What are you waiting on….come join us as we discover Life together!